- O2 Series
Specializing in clinics, manipulative clinics,
osteopathic clinics, beauty salons, and training gyms,
we provide comprehensive support for the introduction, operation,
and maintenance of oxygen capsules.
Introducing the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Series (oxygen capsule)
developed by medical device manufacturer.
We, HearMEC Co., Ltd. plan, design, manufacture and sell original hyperbaric oxygen chambers (oxygen capsules) developed based on the technology, knowledge, and experience cultivated as a medical device manufacturer.
We send all over Japan and also export overseas.
Our products are mainly used in clinics, osteopathic clinics, manipulative clinics, beauty salons, relaxation salons, training gyms, etc., and can also be used for self-care at the homes of athletes and individuals.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber (oxygen capsule) and oxygen functions.

Suppresses the coldness of the body
and activates metabolism
“Cold body” is a great enemy for human health. It may cause many problems such as weakened immunity, autonomic imbalance, and chronic fatigue
By entering the hyperbaric oxygen chamber (oxygen capsule) and distributing oxygen to every corner of the body, it promotes metabolism and prevents the hands and feet from getting cold.

Replenishes the brain
with oxygen to refresh the head and body
The human brain is the control tower that moves the body. If oxygen, which is an energy source, does not reach the brain sufficiently, problems such as poor concentration/thinking, forgetfulness, insomnia, and fatigue will occur.
The hyperbaric oxygen chamber (oxygen capsule) is the best tool for efficiently delivering oxygen to the brain.

Oxygen supports
fatigue recovery
Oxygen has the function of decomposing and removing blood lactic acid, which causes fatigue and tiredness. Athletes who are overworking their bodies on a daily basis often use hyperbaric oxygen chambers (oxygen capsules) for self-care after practice and games, which is one of the attempts to “use oxygen to recover from fatigue.” Efficient intake of oxygen into the body also leads to refreshment of mind and body.

Oxygen is essential
for a beautiful skin
Human skin is kept healthy by replacing cells, but when metabolic function declines, old cells and waste products tend to accumulate on the skin, causing rough skin and dullness. Giving sufficient oxygen to skin cells leads to the vitalization of cells and the maintenance of normal skin renewal function.

Oxygen activates
lipolytic enzymes
Oxygen is required to burn fat by activating the activity of lipase, a lipolytic enzyme in the body. Aerobic exercise is known as a powerful exercise method for reducing fat, but getting oxygen into the body is also very important for dieting.
The hyperbaric oxygen chamber (oxygen capsule) is a device that efficiently provides oxygen used for various purposes such as daily health promotion, physical fitness, fatigue recovery, and beauty. HearMEC Co., Ltd. manufactures three types of hyperbaric oxygen chambers (oxygen capsules) of different types according to the customer’s requirements and requests. In addition to advising managers who want to utilize oxygen capsules for operating facilities and businesses, we also provide opening and operational support, so we would be grateful if you consider consulting with us as a “reliable expert in hyperbaric oxygen chambers”.

O2Prime Chamber Cabin Type
High-grade model that enhances comfort and can be used while sitting

We also accept repair and maintenance of oxygen capsules.
As a medical device manufacturer, we, HearMEC Co., Ltd. manufacture and sell the O2 series of Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers (oxygen capsules) originally designed, and at the same time, focuses on after-sales follow-up such as maintenance and repair of each device.
Among them, we often receive consultations on the maintenance and repair of products of other companies, so we have set up a specialized repair department and accept individual requests.
Please contact us first before giving up if your oxygen capsule is not in good condition or it is out of date and you want to maintain it.